Monday, September 24, 2007

Painless Tips for Reducing Cellulite

When you look into the mirror after a shower, do you find any wrinkled or puckered skin? This is what many people call cellulite, and it often tends to appear on the buttocks or thighs, although it can show up almost anywhere. Cellulite is basically evidence of extra fat stores under the skins surface. Although it doesnt differ markedly from other types of fat, some people believe it is stubborn and harder to get rid of.

There is no magical formula to whittle away cellulite from your body. Actually, you can make it disappear in the same way as you get rid of other areas of fat, like on the upper arms or the face. Although you can find special products sold on the Internet or in health food stores that claim to target cellulite, there is no solid evidence that they work. Nor can you rub it away, as some brush or loofah-type products purport. Instead, you will have to go about losing it the same way as you would extra pounds on other parts of your body. Here are some common and healthy ways to start reducing your cellulite.

1. Cut back on eating fatty foods. Tasty dishes like deep-fried items, butter-rich desserts or side dishes, greasy red meat, and other fat-laden entrees or snacks can rapidly pile on the pounds and dimple your skin. Eat spare portions of these things. If youre not sure which foods have high fat content, check packages or calorie counters to find out.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fresh veggies, especially, are tasty and good for you. They are full of water, which helps to flush out your system and get rid of fatty deposits that may be bunching under your skin. Snack on a variety of colors in your plant foods, from green celery to purple plums and orange peaches. Youll stock your system with healthy nutrients, displacing the urge to snack on fatty food items.

3. Drink plenty of water. Most people should try to have eight glasses (eight ounces each) daily, or even one or two glasses more while exercising or in hot weather. This helps to keep your body hydrated, flushes toxins, and may even make you feel fuller so youll have fewer food cravings. Water is a natural cleanser that can remove harmful substances and nourish each cell.

4. Exercise regularly. Check with your doctor about the plan that is right for you, and then get started. Depending on your health and overall condition, you can probably choose from several types of exercise, including walking, hiking, swimming, biking, tennis, or jogging. Aim for 30 minutes a day to start, unless your doctor says otherwise. Gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your workout, and you will see quicker results.

Making a few basic lifestyle changes will help you get rid of cellulite for good. Ask your doctor to approve changes like these, and then watch that cellulite disappear!

For more information on painless tips for reducing cellulite, Visit The Cellulite Directory

Using a Weight Loss Graph

Using a Weight Loss Graph

Losing weight can be tedious. That is why it is best to keep a weight loss graph that allows you to monitor your weight loss through bars and charts. By using a weight loss graph, you can see your progress and know how much weight you should lose.

About obesity
Obesity is a sickness most Americans do not know they have. For those who know, they are spending billions to lower their weight through diet methods like pills, exercise, and even surgery. However, losing weight will be in vain if you do not keep track of it properly.

The first steps
Take note of your weight loss by charting it in a weight loss graph. After exercising, weigh yourself constantly to find out how much weight you have lost. Do no be disheartened if you see that your weight has gone up. This only means that you need to take an extra effort to lose weight.

How to weigh
A weight loss graph works hand in hand with an accurate weighing scale. To find out your accurate weight, get a good scale. Weigh yourself at least three times to check if the scale gives a consistent reading. Once you have obtained your weight, note it in your graph. In time, you will be able to see your progress.

Different graphs
There are different websites offering free weight loss graphs to aid in your weight loss. Some sites allow you to download a blank weight loss graph where you can note of your progress manually. Others provide an online and interactive graph wherein you simply need to input all the information and the computer will do all the math.

Honesty is the best policy
In tracking your weight, honesty is always important. Do not alter your graph as a shortcut to your diet regime. Remember, losing weight is for your own benefit, so take the extra effort for you to achieve that healthy body.

Also, once you have complete your graph, make sure to show it to an expert such as a trainer or doctor. That way, they can provide you with guidance and other information on what steps you should take next.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

An Inside Look at Cellulite and Cellulite Treatments

An Inside Look at Cellulite and Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite is an esthetic nightmare!

Though it isn't directly harmful to our health, it does invade our bodies in such a way that we start to feel ugly. When this happens our self esteem is compromised.

What is Cellulite and How does it Affect Us?

It is important to note that though cellulite is indeed a form of fat it is not directly related to being overweight. Almost every single woman (i.e. a female that has past the stage of puberty) is affected by a lesser or greater degree of cellulite. It is also curious to note that cellulite rarely affects men. Cellulite is not a health risk, but simply a condition of the skin normally caused by hormonal factors such as estrogen and is more predominant in females and in certain races.

Your diet and lifestyle can also influence in the development of cellulite. Everything from cigarettes, alcohol, lack of fiber intake, standing still too long, and even high stress conditions have been linked with increased cellulite.

Cellulite is not Cellulitis

Many people confuse cellulite with cellulitis. Cellulite is a normal condition in most women whereas cellulitis is an infection which affects the skin and the underlying tissues of both males and females alike. Before undergoing any treatments, it is important to determine whether or not you are suffering from cellulite or cellulitis. Otherwise you might be treating the wrong thing.

Combating Cellulite

Therapies, creams, pharmacological agents, and even surgery have all been tried in order to reduce the dimpled appearance caused by cellulite. These treatments show mixed results and the evidence is really inconclusive. Some companies argue that creams which contain the active ingredient aminophylline have been proven through clinical trials to reduce the size of cellulite. Cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy are also popular remedies.

The evidence, however, is not really clear because of the numerous other factors that contribute to this dimpled appearance. Most practitioners claim that controlling anxiety and reducing stress have a big impact on cellulite reduction.

Diet is also a controversial remedy. Experts say that even though a proper diet and exercise may indeed aid in the reduction of fat stored within cellulite distorted cells, dieting itself will not rid the body of the unwanted dimple effect caused by cellulite.

The article is posted and written by John Scott, the researcher and writer for (Phentermine OPs Reports and Discussion board).

More Crazy Diets To Avoid

More Crazy Diets To Avoid

Your friends say you're fat and you decide to lose some weight. So what do you do? Go directly to the gym and start exercising? Plan your meals and eat smaller portions? Consult a doctor or a nutritionist?

Nah! Who says you have to suffer when you can easily lose weight without exercising or dieting?! At least that's what the promoters of these crazy diets say. All promise a quick fix, dramatic results, and testimonials from your favorite movie star or celebrity. They're easy to follow and they're guaranteed. The problem is, most of them don't work!

Fad diets don't promote proper maintenance of the weight that has been lost. Most of the popular diets are nutritionally inadequate and include certain foods that people would not typically eat in large amounts, according to Denise Mann of WebMD.

Any eating or exercise pattern that causes you to eat fewer calories than you burn will lead to weight loss. However, some diets lead to a rapid weight loss that is quickly regained when normal eating resumes. Others may cause you to miss out on essential nutrients. Still others promote eating habits that may lead to high intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol, possibly increasing the risk for heart disease and some types of cancer, added

If you have limbs to spare, the Amputation Diet is for you. This bizarre diet will help you lose weight if you do away with certain body parts. For instant weight reduction, it recommends a haircut, trimming nails, giving blood, breast reduction, or donating a kidney that can help you lose three pounds. Cool huh? After all, who needs those extra organs!

The Three-Day Diet lets you eat less than 600 calories a day for three days. That sounds pretty easy except that for vital organs like the brain, lungs and liver to function, you need at least 1,323 calories a day! How will will you possibly survive if you follow this diet?

Rachel McAdams and Beyonce Knowles claim they battled the bulge by following the Maple Syrup Diet. Knowles supposedly lost 20 pounds by drinking a concoction of maple syrup, lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper for 14 days. McAdams says drinking maple syrup keeps her thin since sugar makes her hyperactive and forces her to run around like crazy and work it all off. Experts warned that such a diet can lead to diabetes.

A little bit of maple syrup now and then on a whole wheat pancake would be just fine. (But) drinking maple syrup regularly is a terrible idea nutritionally. It is really no different than sugar or refined starch metabolically, said Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health and the author of Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating.

High-protein, low carbohydrate diets like the Atkins Diet promote weight loss by limiting your intake of carbohydrates. This can put the body in a state of ketosis that curbs the appetite but causes water and muscle breakdown. Excessive water loss can lead to dehydration while muscle breakdown can strain your liver and kidneys. Other symptoms of ketosis are weakness, nausea, irritability, and bad breath.

If you value your health, don't fall into any of these diet traps. The best diet is one that includes all foods and will help you develop healthy eating habits. Consult a doctor or dietitian for advice. And remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

For those who want to enhance their diet and exercise program, taking supplements like Zylorin can help. Zylorin contains special ingredients that will improve the way you look and renew your confidence. Visit for more information.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine

Cutting Those Unneeded Calories

Cutting Those Unneeded Calories

As I've said in the past, losing weight is all about counting calories. It doesn't matter what you've read or seen on TV.

To lose weight, you need to consume less calories than you burn every day. I recommend you consume no more than 2,000 calories/day on your weight loss diet. To most, that sounds impossible. However, if you cut out those small foods that you think have no impact, you can easily make that 2,000/day cut. What are those small foods you ask? I've compiled a list of some snacks that you may think have no effect on your diet, but they do.

1) Fruits. Did you know a single banana has around 200 calories in it? If you're snacking on fruit more than twice/day, you might be consuming over 500 calories just from a snack! Instead, have some 100% natural yogurt. It's a light snack that you shouldn't feel guilty about eating.

2) Cereal. Did you know that one cup of Smart Start has around 200 calories? Combined with 1 cup of milk, that's 290 calories! Some people will have at least 4 cups of cereal for breakfast, which comes out to a whopping 1,200 calories! For breakfast, I recommend something along the lines of 3 scrambled eggs (only 100 calories/egg) or 1/2 cup of natural dry oats + milk (heat this up, and add blueberries for only about 400 calories).

3) Drinks. One can of Pepsi has approximately 150 calories. If you're drinking 2 cans/day, that's 300 calories added to your daily intake, and you'll probably be just as hungry as you were before. Things like coffee, Gatorade, soft drinks, etc. will just give you unneeded calories. If you're looking for energy, get the Lo-Carb Monster energy drinks. Those only have around 10 calories if you get the right kind, and they pump you up just as much (if not more) than coffee.

Anthony Chuinard is a young writer from Chicago, Illinois. He likes to update his weight loss blog several times per week, and allows anyone to contact him regarding weight loss questions. He has been in the field for several years, and is constantly sharing his knowledge with the rest of the world.

Dieting Strength

Dieting Strength

There are several factors in winning at weight loss. Sometimes the food isnt the culprit, its your attitude. Heres a list that will help you with your diet and exercise program and you could even modify it to suit other goals.

Take care of yourself. You deserve the time it takes to exercise. Your family deserves a healthy member. You deserve to have a healthy life, feel good, and live a long time even if you have to take time to exercise.

Fear. Diet fear? No, fear of change. What happens when I get thin? Will guys hit on me all the time? Or I might fail, again. Face your fears and tell yourself you can handle them. Its easy to maintain the status quo, change is hard. You can do it.

Forget the scale, eat healthy and exercise and the number on the scale will find you. Focus more on the way you live, what you eat and what you do rather than a number on the scale.

Face the facts, you have to eat. If you are an alcoholic or smoke, you can quit even though it may not be easy. But you cant just quit eating all together. Food is addictive and you have to eat. But what you eat, is a choice.

We also are persuaded with images of people having a good time eating. You have to fight the social aspect of eating and remain true to yourself and eat to survive, not survive to eat.

You have to get the junk food out of the cabinet, but you also have to replace it with good food to eat. You are going to get hungry and you are going to want a snack. Instead of grabbing a cookie, get an apple. If you remove all the food so to speak, then you might binge or feel deprived. Its not about any of these things, its what you eat.

When a routine snack time comes, you have to change what you normally do. Dont take a break with the guys to get a drink and snack. Go for a walk anything just something different. If you are at home, play with the kids, dogs, or yard work. Change your routine snack time to distract your urge to snack.

You have to exercise. You dont have to LIKE to exercise, but you have to exercise. Eating less can take you so far, but our bodies werent made to sit on the couch all the time. Make exercise a routine in your day just like taking a bath and going to work.

Change your reward system. If you are doing great, dont get a cookie. Buy something. Set a goal. If money is tight, give yourself extra time to do something you enjoy (besides eating). You must have small goals to obtain and a reward system of anything other than food.

Do it for you. Dont let others tell you that you need to be a size 6 to fit into society. Do it because you want to live longer, walk a flight of stairs without gasping for air, or just to look younger. Its about you, not your husband or parents or friends. Make the change for a better you. You can do it!

Stuart Simpson is on a diet. . . as described above. Forget the scale. Eat healthy.

Do Negative Calorie Foods Really Exist?

Do Negative Calorie Foods Really Exist?

Negative calorie foods are really a misnomer. It isn't possible for a food that you eat to have a negative number of calories, that's just plain impossible. What people really mean when they call something a negative calorie food is that you burn more calories eating it than the food gives you. So, on balance, you have "eaten" a negative number of calories because you've eaten, say, 20 calories and used, say, 30 calories eating it. Net result: 10 negative calories eaten.

So what sort of foods are negative calorie ones? Are they all boring foods that you wouldn't want to eat anyway?

For some of them, the answer is probably yes. You can't imagine anyone (rabbits excepted) wanting to eat a large plate of lettuce and nothing else.

But there are plenty of other negative calorie foods that might start to get you excited.

Would you like to eat a nice juicy apple? That's fine as it counts as negative calorie.

Fancy a plate of strawberries? Again, no problem. At least not until you start salivating at the thought of adding cream. But fresh strawberries with no sugar and no cream count as negative calorie. If you're on a low carb diet, they score fine for that as well.

Quite a few other fruits count as negative calorie, so you don't have to force yourself to just eat apples and strawberries. Pineapple is fine as well. So are cantaloupe melons, blackberries, raspberries and cranberries.

Just think, you could make yourself a delicious fresh fruit salad and still be on your way to losing those extra pounds.

On the veggie side, take a look at carrots. Nibbled raw they are tasty and you won't consume any extra calories. Add in some tomatoes and peppers for a colorful and tasty side salad.

Discover more about negative calorie food and keep your weight loss regime on track at Learn About Weight Loss

A Dietitian's Approach Towards Fast Weight-Loss Programs

A Dietitian's Approach Towards Fast Weight-Loss Programs

Weight Loss Quickies

When trying to lose weight, it is normal for typical programs to set goals of weight loss between 1 and 2 pounds per week (~ to 1 kg ). This may not seem like a lot but this type of weight loss actually helps keep the weight off on a more permanent basis. These types of programs help the body maintain a proper metabolism and retain necessary muscle mass.

This isn't to say that fast acting weight loss programs don't exist, but for people who are not clinically obese, these programs are not healthy and are strongly recommended against. The fact is that if you are just looking to lose 25 pounds or less, then a fast weight loss program is NOT for you.

Do these rapid weight loss programs work?

The fact is there are numerous amounts of fast acting weight loss programs that exist in the market today. Most of these programs try to incorporate healthy balanced diets while still retaining the fast acting result obtained by low calorie consumption. One of these programs is Medifast, which has been used by medical professionals for a long time. This program promotes a 2- 5 pound per week loss.

These diets are all very similar and consist of very low calorie consumption. This is why they fall under the category of a VLCD (very low calorie diet). These diets only allow a consumption of 800 calories or less. Popular diets in this category like the Optifast or the Cambridge Diet, should never be done without the medical supervision of a healthcare professional and are only meant to be short term.

What's there to worry about with rapid weight loss?

Since rapid weight loss diets are mostly all based on low calorie consumption, the potential to have a nutritional deficiency as a result of these diets is very evident. If there is not proper caution taken to balance these types of diets, health problems may develop.
The body was not made to last that long on low calorie consumption and it is normal for people to feel irritable and fatigued. Other side effects may include constipation as a result of inadequate fiber absorption.

Another thing to worry about with these types of diets is your metabolism. The body naturally prepares itself for life threatening situations. During these low calorie diets, the body may actually believe it is in danger and kick into starvation mode where the metabolism slows down to protect the body. Since you are really not starving but merely dieting your body goes into a yo-yo affect once regular food is reintroduced. Also, when rapid weight loss occurs it can often eat at your muscle mass (catabolism), which is something you definitely do not want.

Who are meant for these programs?

These programs were actually designed for the obese, which by definition is someone with a BMI of over 30. If you are someone who just struggles a little with your weight and are slightly above your ideal, these programs are not recommended as they can cause potential problems long term. You'd rather think of other weight loss methods for example exercises and healthy food.

A few of these VLCD's need a physician's approval, although programs do exist that may be done without it, such as Medifast.

What about fad Diets?

Fad diets like the famous Atkins or South Beach Diet are mostly all based on an introductory phase where weight loss is significant. These diets, however, have many strict restraints on food elements such as carbohydrates and weight loss with these programs is actually really due to loss of water weight.

The article is posted and written by John Scott, the researcher and writer for (Phentermine OPs Reports and Discussion board).

Weight Gain and Loss in Obese Children

Weight Gain and Loss in Obese Children

There is considerable hype in the news about the incidence of childhood obesity and the risks. At the present time it is estimated that close to one third of the children of America are overweight to obese. This is astounding as it was as little as fifteen years ago that doctors began to notice the rise in children's weight. As usual, scare stories abound with calls for the government to intervene with new programs, and/or large-scale social changes. But apart from the over-the-top reactions, there are some basic facts that remain.

Food in America is at an all time high for abundance and as a result, all but the poorest individuals are at no risk of starving. At the same time, convenience foods, fast food establishments and snacks are now available to children just about everywhere they turn. Schools now have vending machines filled with high fat snack foods and soda loaded with sugar.

At the same time, the popularity of computer games, Internet activities, and the just plain talking on cell phones, children (and teens) spend a larger percentage of time being sedentary than in decades past. Now, TV and talking on the phone have been popular teen activities for decades. But in the past, fewer channels meant fewer time in front of the TV. More time was spent in exercise and activities that expended calories. The introduction of the Internet and computer games means more time in the chair and less time exercising.

The end result is that children and teenagers today are on average, heavier that their predecessors. Their diet is also higher in fat, carbohydrates and sugars and less in fiber. The overall final result is a stunning rise in obesity in those under the age of 18.

Body mass is measured a bit differently for children than for adults, which is dependent on of their rapidly changing bodies and higher metabolic rates. Children often experience growth spurts that would skew any measurement that used BMI (Body Mass Index) primarily. BMI ,combined with age and gender, tend to create a more accurate picture.

Borderline obesity in an adult results with a BMI of 30 or greater, however, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) charts designate a child as obese at the 95th percentile on Denver pediatric growth charts. The two are roughly equivalent, but it's necessary to look at the charts for a more careful breakdown.

Percentage of body fat is another important measurement and here again the numbers differ by sex. A boy would be considered obese if identified as one whose body fat was 25% or more of total body weight. For girls the number is a bit higher at 32% of body fat.

For adult males the number is roughly 15% for a healthy, fit individual, but for women the number is around 27%. The reason for this is that women naturally carry more body fat as genetically their bodies are designed for childbearing.

In order to promote healthy lifestyle in children and teens, they must reduce body fat and excess weight through diet and exercise. This will involve lifestyle changes and may be easier for younger children whose habits are not ingrained yet. Teenagers may find it more difficult to accept a lifestyle change of less computers and more exercise when their friends are all plugged in to the internet. But all children learn by example, so adults who are healthy and fit will set the pace for the children in their lives. By starting on the road to good health at a young age, it will be easier to maintain in adulthood.

Mary K. Betz, MS RPA-C is a practicing Physician Assistant. For more information visit

Cerebral Palsy Resources

Cerebral Palsy Resources

Thanks to many aggressive advocates of the cerebral palsy community, the number of cerebral palsy resources available to parents continues to grow. For parents who suspect their newborn or young child may have the disease, organizations like the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the March of Dimes, or United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) give helpful information about symptoms, prognosis, and questions parents should ask their doctor.

These and other resources help provide respite or child care for parents that are overburdened, or adult day care programs for dependent adult children. Some of them even provide fun opportunities for cerebral palsy sufferers and their families to go camping, have a dance, or participate in other recreational activities within a supportive environment. Most libraries or bookstores have books which provide further information, from the personal stories of cerebral palsy victims and their caregivers to medical journals on the subject.

Local support groups for families with an individual suffering from cerebral palsy regularly get together for support and information sharing about local resources and new treatments available. For higher-functioning cerebral palsy sufferers, organizations like the March of Dimes or Goodwill have job training and employment services to help individuals who suffer from cerebral palsy and other disabilities find work.

Online Cerebral Palsy Resources Shouldn't be Overlooked
Especially for families that don't live in or near a major metropolitan area, online cerebral palsy resources can help fill the gap. Instead of attending a local support group at a church or public meeting place, a mother or father looking to talk to other parents can find numerous blogs, chat rooms, and mailing lists to help when they can't get together with others in person, but still want to take advantage of cerebral palsy resources. For individuals afflicted with the disease, who may be unable to leave their homes or otherwise be mobile, online cerebral palsy resources can be a godsend, allowing them to talk with others who accept them and even share in the difficulties of having this disease.

Visit Cerebral Palsy Information for more cerebral palsy resources.

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity and overweight, weight reduction and weight management therapies, miracle weight loss pills are everywhere. Open the newspaper, switch on the T.V., pick up a magazine and you are sure to find ads and articles on the subject of weight loss and obesity.

Weight loss and obesity are big business. Here are some factors that can make you rich if you happen to start a business related to weight management.

Two thirds of America is overweight. Out of that, 50 % are obese.

300.000 premature deaths are caused by obesity. Obesity is the fastest growing epidemic in the world.

The world is hurling towards obesity at galactic speeds. Only 50 years back obesity was hardly hear of. Nearly 45 % of the world population is obese or overweight in 2004.

Weight loss related business that you can start and become rich.

Opening a weight loss counseling Centre

Become a nutritionist

Sell some good weight loss MLM products from herbal pills to weighing machines

Start researching and writing about weight management.

Start a campaign to fight obesity and become well known in your community or even in your city or country as a lose weight advocate. This will help you in any business you are planning. Start a weight loss Super store with every conceivable weight management related products and books.

Not to leave the healthier people you can start an obesity prevention centre

Start specialized Child Obesity Counseling centre

This is only an illustrative list of the opportunity provided by an obese and overweight world to make millions. Just look around and you will find an opportunity to encash weight management as a business.

However, remember you yourself must look slim and be healthy to be a success in the weight loss business.

This article is copyright of R.G. Srinivasan a Certified Trainer, Small Business Consultant, Writer and Author. He is passionate about alternative therapies and holistic health. Check out his herbal health blog at for more on the subject of health and fitness.

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity and overweight, weight reduction and weight management therapies, miracle weight loss pills are everywhere. Open the newspaper, switch on the T.V., pick up a magazine and you are sure to find ads and articles on the subject of weight loss and obesity.

Weight loss and obesity are big business. Here are some factors that can make you rich if you happen to start a business related to weight management.

Two thirds of America is overweight. Out of that, 50 % are obese.

300.000 premature deaths are caused by obesity. Obesity is the fastest growing epidemic in the world.

The world is hurling towards obesity at galactic speeds. Only 50 years back obesity was hardly hear of. Nearly 45 % of the world population is obese or overweight in 2004.

Weight loss related business that you can start and become rich.

Opening a weight loss counseling Centre

Become a nutritionist

Sell some good weight loss MLM products from herbal pills to weighing machines

Start researching and writing about weight management.

Start a campaign to fight obesity and become well known in your community or even in your city or country as a lose weight advocate. This will help you in any business you are planning. Start a weight loss Super store with every conceivable weight management related products and books.

Not to leave the healthier people you can start an obesity prevention centre

Start specialized Child Obesity Counseling centre

This is only an illustrative list of the opportunity provided by an obese and overweight world to make millions. Just look around and you will find an opportunity to encash weight management as a business.

However, remember you yourself must look slim and be healthy to be a success in the weight loss business.

This article is copyright of R.G. Srinivasan a Certified Trainer, Small Business Consultant, Writer and Author. He is passionate about alternative therapies and holistic health. Check out his herbal health blog at for more on the subject of health and fitness.

Ordinary Weight Loss Products VS Low-Glycemic Products

Ordinary Weight Loss Products VS Low-Glycemic Products

Obesity results, usually from an excessive caloric intake. Perhaps it's the most important nutritional disease in Europe and the United States. Almost all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are originated or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet and nutrition habits.

Its very important that your diet gets all the the right types of each clas of nutrients and macronutrients:

The good and right carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates or fiber, and have a low-glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates and fiber generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phytonutrients, as well as energy.

- A healthy diet includes a variety of protein sources including complete proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids.

- Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids. No more than 10 percent of your daily diet should be derived from saturated fat.

The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar have a high-glycemic index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate increase in blood sugar have a low-glycemic index. Some carbohydrates fall in between.

Hight-Glycemic foods provide high and quick enery, but usually longs to little and the hunger returns soon. Low-glycemic foods alows you to have a greater satiety and energy, wich makes eating less and losing weight easier.

High-glycemic diets also have been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Almost all convinience and fast foods and many meal replacements and diet products on the market of today are unfortunately, high glycemic.3

It isn't necessary to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, consistently eating less than 1,000 calories a day may actually slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. You do, however, need to make smarter choices about what you eat. When you eat high-glycemic foods it can cause your body's blood glucose levels to quickly spike and then crash, leading to feelings of hunger sooner and seemingly uncontrollable cravings.

A better choice is to eat low-glycemic foods which keep blood glucose levels more stable, helping to reduce carbohydrate cravings, leave you feeling satisfied longer, and control your appetite more easily.

In the nutritional supplements market there is a variety of products that allows you to start a low glycemic diet. Remember that in order to have good results in a weight loss diet you most search for the best options in the market of low-glycemic products and foods. After all it's your health.

The (RESET) 5 day's program allows you to loss weight and start process of desintoxication. Find more information about this low-glycemic product at

Is Hoodia a Safe Dieting Pill?

Is Hoodia a Safe Dieting Pill?

Thinking about shedding a few pounds or getting down to your ideal weight without breaking your bank account and going under the knife? Nobody should ever go on a crash diet by starvation and only consuming the odd carrot and celery sticks for months on end. Drastic dieting leads to immediate weight loss but it is never sustainable and can be very damaging to your body as it is deprived of the basic nutrients it needs on a daily basis to function properly. It leads to premature aging of the skin and bones, damages your internal organs and causes chronic fatigue and lack of concentration.

There are many medicines out there that promote weight loss on a more sustainable basis which means once youve reached your ideal weight, it is not hard to keep the weight off. However be careful about taking a new weight loss medicine or any type of dieting pills that promise dramatic weight loss results. Many medicines have adverse side effects, from the milder complaints such as upset stomachs to the more severe reaction such as a cardiac arrest. It is vital to check these risks before starting on the medicine. Different individuals may react differently to these dieting pills, be cautious.

One of these medicines is Hoodia. Hoodia, based on the plant Hoodia Gordonii, is a plant that produces a substance that acts as an appetite suppressant. The Sans Bushmen of Africa have been using it for thousands of years to allow them to weather through leaner times when food is scarce. The Hoodia phenomenon began in 2003 and since then thousands of dieters have been using this pill to help them shed the excess weight without any reports of violent reactions or negative side effects. This said, there really hasnt been any solid research done on Hoodia to determine if it causes the body any harm. Safety organizations have not yet had the time to conduct scientific studies into this plant as it is still a relatively new discovery. Pfizer, one of the companies to originally work on isolating the appetite suppressing agent in Hoodia did caution that Hoodia Gordonii may cause some harm to our liver.

When your appetite is suppressed, you tend to forget to keep your body fluids up. Remember to take sufficient fluid to keep hydrated. In addition, do not abuse these products, take them in moderation and once your ideal weight is reached, reduce your normal intake. Combine this dieting pill with regular exercise and healthy food to maintain your weight. Taking it to the extreme can lead to addiction and drive a dieter into anorexia which will then lead to other medical problems such as heart palpitation, damages to the lining of your blood vessels and arteries while increasing your blood pressure.

Due to the lack of any concrete scientific evidence that Hoodia breaches any safety standards, the signs are good so far. However, always practise caution stop taking Hoodia as soon as you experience any symptoms that are out of the ordinary. Use Hoodia in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle to achieve permanent weight loss. Do not expect it to be the miracle cure all pill.

For more great information and advice on Hoodia, please visit us at

The Myth Of Liposuction For Weight Loss

The Myth Of Liposuction For Weight Loss

In a culture that is very much focused on instant gratification, we hold our weight loss up to the same standards, expecting pounds to shed immediately and muscles to be defined with the lifting of one weight. Its no wonder that more and more people turn to liposuction for weight loss a procedure that rids the body of pockets of fat. But what people fail to realize is that liposuction for weight loss does not address the underlying weight issue and will not achieve desired results without the use of proper diet and exercise.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the making of several incisions around a particular area of the body that is storing excessive fat deposits. A surgeon then inserts an instrument into the incisions that allows them to vacuum out excess fat. The procedure, however, is far more invasive then it sounds; the surgeon must aggressively attack fat to remove it from the body and to maintain a consistent and smooth appearance. The liposuction patient who is most often put under general anesthesia faces recovery time like any other surgery - and some pain following the procedure.

What has been shown is that liposuction works for trouble spots that have not adequately responded to proper diet and exercise. An overall healthy person often responds well to liposuction if they are using the procedure as a supplement to good nutrition and healthy physical habits. However, liposuction for weight loss in a patient who is overweight, physically unfit, and in the habit of eating poorly will almost always fail. The reason is that liposuction for weight loss is not a magic bullet.

In such a case, the patient is required to adopt healthy eating habits and proper exercise in order to maintain the look of the liposuction. Liposuction for weight loss does not in any way mean that once the procedure is performed you can eat whatever you want and live a sedentary lifestyle.

If you are interested in liposuction for weight loss, it is imperative that you go about it in the right way. If you are not already doing so, you must immediately adopt a diet designed for weight loss and optimum health; one that includes the eating of whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Practice portion control, drink plenty of water, and stay away from foods high in fat and sugar. Additionally, it is important to implement a consistent exercise program that incorporates cardiovascular work, weight training, and core work such as Pilates, yoga, and a stretching program.

You may find that after several months on such a program you will see significant changes in your bodys appearance and that liposuction for weight loss is unnecessary. If however, you still want to have liposuction to address trouble spots, you will now be in a position to enter in to the surgery as a healthy person who can maintain a healthy lifestyle following surgery.

For easy to understand, in depth information about liposuction for weight loss visit our ezGuide 2 Liposuction.

Weight Watchers Food And Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Watchers Food And Healthy Weight Loss

So you have decided now would be a good time to get rid of those extra pounds. But with so many weight loss programs on the market how do you accomplish healthy weight loss diet? With Weight Watchers points and weight watchers food to start with. Of course, the most important well kept secret is that a good weight loss program is simply the one that works the best for you.

There are all kind of diets out there - some are designed to reduce cholesterol, which is certainly a healthy weight loss diet. Others work to reduce carbs and there are even a few that let you keep eating just as you are now. But one program that seems to be working well for many is Weight Watchers point system where you can eat anything you want as long as you dont go over your allotted points. Weight watchers food can be used or you can buy your groceries like always.

There are also all those hyped diet pills that are claiming to supplement your healthy weight loss diet. Youve all heard the commercials. "I lost 20 pounds in 7 days." Well remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Natural supplements on the other hand can be a good aid for weight loss.

Remember it took you years to gain those extra pounds. Why would it be as easy as 7 days to loose? And even with those, ones that have you actually shedding many pounds remember that it wont stay off because most of it is fluid reduction in the body. That is not true weight loss; it simply reduces the number on the scale.

You also need to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so as you begin to loose fat and develop and tone muscle through exercise you may actually see the numbers on the scale go up. This doesnt mean you are putting on more weight! Looking in the mirror youll be able to tell if your weight gain is now muscle youll look leaner, tighter, more put together.

So which healthy weight loss diet should you look at? Thats a very personal choice but remember dont choose a program that you dont believe you can follow and dont choose a diet that eliminates whole groups of food.

My favorite healthy weight loss diet is my own using common sense and eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables while increasing my activity. If the diet you choose consists of nothing but foods you hate, youll never last long enough to see the results.

Weight Watchers is another good choice because it is not about diet. Instead, its about moderation. That means you can eat your favorite foods anytime as long as you dont exceed daily calories. And if you want, you can use weight watchers food.

Weight Watchers has a healthy weight loss diet, which also includes the ever so important exercise. They help you plan a low calorie diet with decreased calorie intake that you can live with.

The list could go on but whats important is that the healthy weight loss diet you choose works for you and if it doesnt then its time to try another one.

About The Author

Morten Hansen has been working with the Weight Loss area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that makes it easier for Internet users to learn about Weight Loss subjects. For more details about the Weight Watcher Area visit our site

Get Mentally Fit For Weight Loss!

Get Mentally Fit For Weight Loss!

There are literally thousands of diets and weight loss systems throughout the world; pills, shakes, soups, fads, carbohydrates, calories, fats, sugars, you name it. They are all available to you in the interest of helping you lose weight, change your body shape or size or changing the way your body feels. What most people dont realise that they all pretty much have one thing in common: You need to change your mental state before you can make any of them work!

Yes, you may find it a surprise but pretty much 99% of people looking to lose weight have actually subconsciously "chosen" the state their body is in. At the end of the day, YOU alone are responsible for putting the fried chicken in your mouth, YOU are responsible for NOT going for a walk this morning and, most importantly, YOU are responsible and have control of your thoughts, emotions and motivation.

Changing your mental state will help you change your physical state. As the old saying goes "you have to change what is on the inside to change what is on the outside". Many people dont actually give a lot of thought to what is going on inside, about how they are stopping themselves from doing things and how they can make changes (small or large) that will create a positive difference in their lifestyle.

Find out what pain you have to break through to create more pleasure within your body and your mind. Not physical pain, but mental pain. What is it you have to deal with in order to remove the excess baggage (weight) you carry around with you?

When you find out what is holding you back from making changes in your life, body and diet, you will find that dieting no longer becomes about food and exercise, it becomes a lifestyle. With the right mental changes you will find that you CAN drink wine, go out for dinner and eat cheese, ice-cream and chocolate, however you must also use balance and thought to consume only in the right moderation.

Everyone has the ability, motivation and power to make almost any change positive and successful. Tapping into your mental state, deciding to make a few changes and acting out these changes is what will make all the difference!

The web site with the motto "Dont let weight loss drive you mad"! was created to break down many of the reasons why you dont lose weight, and help you find what is stopping you from having the body you want, rather than the body you have.

Foods That Turn To Fat

Foods That Turn To Fat

If you would like to lose body fat you need to know some foods that turn to fat.
Yes it is possible that you would like to read this articles for several reasons.
However I am sure that a lot of people - perhaps you - want to get a leaner body.
Perhaps you go already to a fitness center, let's face if you don't adapt your eating pattern you wont see the result you want.
Therefore read on and discover several foods that turn into fat

Fried foods.
A lot of people dont have the time or in some cases the knowledge to cook their own meal and therefore they prefer deep frozen food.
Fried foods are both high in calories and (mostly) in fat.
As you may know not all fat is bad fat however Im referring here to transfat
And yes this is fat you dont want to have.
From now on if Im talking about fat I mean bad fat unless announced differently.
Snack foods
You come home from your work you watch your favourite soap
on the TV and treat yourself on a big pack of potato chips.
Not only contain potato chips fat but also refined white flours and refined white sugars.
They smell, taste and look very good no doubt about it but remember they contain
artificial flavours and colours as well.
I hope you remember my article next time you watch a movie.

Fruit juice
Still thinking that a glass of fruit juice is good for you then think again.
Fruit juice contains a high amount of refined sugar and corn glucose.
The only save drink that dont make you fat is still water.

There are a lot of other foods that contains fat think about.
- Bread
- Fish
- Cereal products
Remember if you would like to lose body fat you will have to eat less fat and of course doing regular exercises is a must.

When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
This book is written by Tom Venuto a world wide fitness expert.
Invest in his course today and get awesome bonuses
Reports on foods that burn fat and foods that turn to fat + much more
He tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jampacked with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit his site today he gives you a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook.
More intrested in tips to lose weight instead of fat then visit my blog

The Dangers Of Ephedra

The Dangers Of Ephedra

Ephedra is a compound that is often used in weight loss products. It is actually one of the world's oldest medicines, with documented usage in China occurring over 5,000 years ago. The drug has once again found popularity, this time in America's search for the perfect weight loss drug. It is known to cause many changes in the body; an increased metabolism, increased weight loss, relaxation of the air passages in the lungs, and increased energy are some of the effects reported. One of the major distributors of ephedra was a weight loss drug that is known as Fen-phen. This drug consists of a combination of ephedra and St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant agent. Over the past few years, plenty of other weight loss drugs on the market also included ephedra. Xenadrine RFA-1, Stacker 2, Stacker 3, and Ripped Fuel all contained ephedra.

However, there is a dark side to ephedra. It has been recently banned for all usage by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America. In addition to its weight loss purposes, ephedra also causes some negative side-effects that can be quite severe. Ephedra is known to raise the heart rate, as well as the blood pressure of a person that ingests it. Anybody with high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease can be seriously in trouble if they take this supplement. A whopping eight hundred people have reported injury due to this weight loss drug, and a full fifty people have died from it. This includes Steve Bechler, an athlete who pitched for the Baltimore Orioles that took the drug during spring training and lost his life. An autopsy showed that indeed, ephedra had contributed to his death. Ten days after this shocking event, the FDA went into action, banning the use of ephedra in all weight loss supplements. The serious consequences reported by those who were damaged by the drug include hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, seizures, and full-on cardiac arrest.

As you can see, this weight loss supplement's risks surely outweigh its benefits. If you or someone you know is taking this drug, its crucial to stop taking it. There are many ways to lose weight, and there are definitely other supplements that do not wreak havoc on your body like ephedra does. While the drug is illegal, it is still commonly sold, most often online but at the occasional party store. It's important to realize exactly what a detriment this drug can be to your health. Fitness should not come at the cost of poor health.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Weight Loss, Shopping, and Women

How Does Phentermine Work

How Does Phentermine Work

Phentermine belongs to a category of drugs called phenythylamine, drugs which act as neurotransmitters for the brain. Phentermine is actually an appetite suppressant that is helpful with effective weight loss. It is important to note that phentermine is recommended for short term use. This diet pill is meant for people who are clinically overweight or obese, and have a high risk of weight related medical conditions.

There are a lot of drugs that work with the brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, like anti-depressants and stimulants. Phentermine also works with neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in our nervous system and brain that act as messengers, transmitting electrical messages between the cells (neurons) of the nervous system or brain. Some people have naturally low levels of neurotransmitters. This condition can lead to diseases like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obesity, and more.

There are certain neurotransmitters in the brain, called catecholamines which are released when Phentermine stimulates the neuron bundles in our brain. These neuron bundles include: Dopamine, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine. Epinephrine is formally known as adrenalin and norepinephrine as noradrenalin.

Phentermine affects the hypothalamus gland in the central nervous system of the brain. It works by disrupting the transmission of signals from brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters leaving the brain to believe that your stomach is full. It's believed that this is because Phentermine affects leptin levels in the brain. Leptin is a hormone secreted by the fat cells, and it regulates body weight by acting upon the hypothalamus gland in our nervous system. This suppresses you appetite and helps you burn body fat from the adipose tissue, a tissue specialized for fat storage. It is theorized that phentermine can raise levels of leptin which signals that "full" feeling in your stomach. It is also theorized that increased levels of the catecholamine are partially responsible for halting another chemical messenger know as neuropeptideY. This chemical initiates eating, decreases energy expenditure, and increases fat storage.

Phentermine has been proved affective in weight loss, however it has not been recommended for long term use. It's effect on the body long-term is not known, because it is not recommended to be taken for more than 6 months at a time. Phentermine diet pills should be used as a weight loss tool to be taken while you are learning to eat right and exercise to help yourself make the lifestyle change needed to lose weight and maintain after you have lost.