Monday, September 24, 2007

Is Hoodia a Safe Dieting Pill?

Thinking about shedding a few pounds or getting down to your ideal weight without breaking your bank account and going under the knife? Nobody should ever go on a crash diet by starvation and only consuming the odd carrot and celery sticks for months on end. Drastic dieting leads to immediate weight loss but it is never sustainable and can be very damaging to your body as it is deprived of the basic nutrients it needs on a daily basis to function properly. It leads to premature aging of the skin and bones, damages your internal organs and causes chronic fatigue and lack of concentration.

There are many medicines out there that promote weight loss on a more sustainable basis which means once youve reached your ideal weight, it is not hard to keep the weight off. However be careful about taking a new weight loss medicine or any type of dieting pills that promise dramatic weight loss results. Many medicines have adverse side effects, from the milder complaints such as upset stomachs to the more severe reaction such as a cardiac arrest. It is vital to check these risks before starting on the medicine. Different individuals may react differently to these dieting pills, be cautious.

One of these medicines is Hoodia. Hoodia, based on the plant Hoodia Gordonii, is a plant that produces a substance that acts as an appetite suppressant. The Sans Bushmen of Africa have been using it for thousands of years to allow them to weather through leaner times when food is scarce. The Hoodia phenomenon began in 2003 and since then thousands of dieters have been using this pill to help them shed the excess weight without any reports of violent reactions or negative side effects. This said, there really hasnt been any solid research done on Hoodia to determine if it causes the body any harm. Safety organizations have not yet had the time to conduct scientific studies into this plant as it is still a relatively new discovery. Pfizer, one of the companies to originally work on isolating the appetite suppressing agent in Hoodia did caution that Hoodia Gordonii may cause some harm to our liver.

When your appetite is suppressed, you tend to forget to keep your body fluids up. Remember to take sufficient fluid to keep hydrated. In addition, do not abuse these products, take them in moderation and once your ideal weight is reached, reduce your normal intake. Combine this dieting pill with regular exercise and healthy food to maintain your weight. Taking it to the extreme can lead to addiction and drive a dieter into anorexia which will then lead to other medical problems such as heart palpitation, damages to the lining of your blood vessels and arteries while increasing your blood pressure.

Due to the lack of any concrete scientific evidence that Hoodia breaches any safety standards, the signs are good so far. However, always practise caution stop taking Hoodia as soon as you experience any symptoms that are out of the ordinary. Use Hoodia in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle to achieve permanent weight loss. Do not expect it to be the miracle cure all pill.

For more great information and advice on Hoodia, please visit us at


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