Monday, September 24, 2007

An Inside Look at Cellulite and Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite is an esthetic nightmare!

Though it isn't directly harmful to our health, it does invade our bodies in such a way that we start to feel ugly. When this happens our self esteem is compromised.

What is Cellulite and How does it Affect Us?

It is important to note that though cellulite is indeed a form of fat it is not directly related to being overweight. Almost every single woman (i.e. a female that has past the stage of puberty) is affected by a lesser or greater degree of cellulite. It is also curious to note that cellulite rarely affects men. Cellulite is not a health risk, but simply a condition of the skin normally caused by hormonal factors such as estrogen and is more predominant in females and in certain races.

Your diet and lifestyle can also influence in the development of cellulite. Everything from cigarettes, alcohol, lack of fiber intake, standing still too long, and even high stress conditions have been linked with increased cellulite.

Cellulite is not Cellulitis

Many people confuse cellulite with cellulitis. Cellulite is a normal condition in most women whereas cellulitis is an infection which affects the skin and the underlying tissues of both males and females alike. Before undergoing any treatments, it is important to determine whether or not you are suffering from cellulite or cellulitis. Otherwise you might be treating the wrong thing.

Combating Cellulite

Therapies, creams, pharmacological agents, and even surgery have all been tried in order to reduce the dimpled appearance caused by cellulite. These treatments show mixed results and the evidence is really inconclusive. Some companies argue that creams which contain the active ingredient aminophylline have been proven through clinical trials to reduce the size of cellulite. Cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy are also popular remedies.

The evidence, however, is not really clear because of the numerous other factors that contribute to this dimpled appearance. Most practitioners claim that controlling anxiety and reducing stress have a big impact on cellulite reduction.

Diet is also a controversial remedy. Experts say that even though a proper diet and exercise may indeed aid in the reduction of fat stored within cellulite distorted cells, dieting itself will not rid the body of the unwanted dimple effect caused by cellulite.

The article is posted and written by John Scott, the researcher and writer for (Phentermine OPs Reports and Discussion board).


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