Monday, September 24, 2007

Cerebral Palsy Resources

Thanks to many aggressive advocates of the cerebral palsy community, the number of cerebral palsy resources available to parents continues to grow. For parents who suspect their newborn or young child may have the disease, organizations like the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the March of Dimes, or United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) give helpful information about symptoms, prognosis, and questions parents should ask their doctor.

These and other resources help provide respite or child care for parents that are overburdened, or adult day care programs for dependent adult children. Some of them even provide fun opportunities for cerebral palsy sufferers and their families to go camping, have a dance, or participate in other recreational activities within a supportive environment. Most libraries or bookstores have books which provide further information, from the personal stories of cerebral palsy victims and their caregivers to medical journals on the subject.

Local support groups for families with an individual suffering from cerebral palsy regularly get together for support and information sharing about local resources and new treatments available. For higher-functioning cerebral palsy sufferers, organizations like the March of Dimes or Goodwill have job training and employment services to help individuals who suffer from cerebral palsy and other disabilities find work.

Online Cerebral Palsy Resources Shouldn't be Overlooked
Especially for families that don't live in or near a major metropolitan area, online cerebral palsy resources can help fill the gap. Instead of attending a local support group at a church or public meeting place, a mother or father looking to talk to other parents can find numerous blogs, chat rooms, and mailing lists to help when they can't get together with others in person, but still want to take advantage of cerebral palsy resources. For individuals afflicted with the disease, who may be unable to leave their homes or otherwise be mobile, online cerebral palsy resources can be a godsend, allowing them to talk with others who accept them and even share in the difficulties of having this disease.

Visit Cerebral Palsy Information for more cerebral palsy resources.


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