Monday, October 1, 2007

A Simple Fat Burning And Diet Plan

Losing weight is tough: there is the exercise, and of course the cutting-back on your caloric intake. Fortunately, you do not need to sacrifice many of your favorite snacks in order to lose weight. In fact, most weight loss experts agree that you should incorporate your favorite foods (including your favorite snack foods) into your diet because when you deprive yourself of your favorites, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Increasing the speed of your metabolism is probably one of the easiest and safest ways to lose fat naturally. For many people this may sound easy but the only way to really do this successfully is to make some lifestyle changes that involve diet and exercise.

Metabolism is the process by which the body burns calories to fuel its daily functions and is the process by which nutrients in the food we eat are broken down in our cells to produce energy for these functions. Metabolism is controlled by the thyroid gland in the neck, which in turn is governed by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is generally measured according to your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is your resting metabolism.

If you know the tricks of the trade, you know that there are many things you can do to rev up your metabolism. It may sound boring, but there is a good reason that balanced diets are what the nutrition experts always recommend. Natural foods with high nutritional value take more processing power (calories) to extract all those vital nutrients the body needs to run at peak efficiency thereby increasing your metabolic rate. As previously mentioned, incorporate your favorite snacks into your diet. Here is are a couple of simple techniques for eating what you want, while increasing your metabolism.

1. Follow the 90/10 rule. This rule proposes that you eat right 90 % of the time, and eat what you want the other 10 % of the time. Ideally, these two categories will overlap: hopefully you can find healthful foods that you love eating. Almost everyone has a guilty pleasure or two. If you are simply mad about nachos, for instance, do not put this snack food on your black list. Avoid the food most of the time, but splurge when you absolutely can not resist. Remember, a diet need not be an unpleasant task. Simply think of the process of eating healthfully as searching for good foods that you enjoy eating, and making them a staple of your diet.

2) Eat 2 to every 3 hours. Having 6 small meals a day keeps your fat burning engine a full power.

Now that you have got a few ideas about how to keep eating your favorite snack foods while not feeling like you have cheated, here are some excellent snack choices for the dieter.

1. Go for high fiber snacks. Foods that are high in fiber fill you up faster and help you burn calories longer.
2. Fill up with calcium-rich snacks.
3. Nuts. Peanuts, walnuts, and almonds are delicious and filling. As a side note, technically high in fat, nuts are very heart healthy and low in bad saturated fats.
4. Dried fruits and mixed veggies.
5. Find low-fat alternatives.

Carrying out the decision to lose weight is a tough thing to do, especially if you do not now how to do it. By incorporating a healthy and sensible diet along with an exercise program you can begin to speed your metabolism and start losing weight permanently.

For more great ideas on exercise programs, fat-burning, and weight loss visit: Visit for the latest in brand name shopping.


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