Monday, October 1, 2007

Why You're Still Overweight

Most of us know how 'easy' it is to lose weight. Just pick the new 'diet of the month', exercise a few minutes on the new 'gadget of the month' and watch how easily the pounds melt away. Then, when you're done; you'll look great, people and animals will like you, your boss will offer you a raise, and some Hollywood hotshot will write a screenplay based on your life. Then again, there's always reality and that's tells us quite a different story. Forget the fantasy and let's get to some REAL issues on how to lose weight. One of the questions I get asked frequently is

I exercise, I diet, so why am I still fat? And this is a major issue with a lot of people. They're doing the right thing (diet and excerise) but aren't seeing the results. What usually comes next is discouragement, abandonment, then binging. Before you get to this point, I'd like you to take a moment and see if you're following some basic rules on losing weight. Hopefully you'll identify, and correct, some of these roadblocks on your way to success:

1. You're Hungry When you diet, you can sometimes cut too many calories. This forces your body to conserve calories rather than burn them. It also forces your body to break down muscle tissue for fuel. Unfortunately muscle is the key to your metabolism, or the speed at which you burn calories. More muscle means a faster metabolism and less body fat. Reverse that and you'll notice that less muscle means a slower metabolism and more body fat. Answer: At least you're on the right track. You need to cut calories to lose weight. But you need to make sure you're eating the right amount of calories each day to keep your metabolism from shutting down.

If you're looking for some general calorie guidelines, here they are:

Take you're weight then multiply it by 11.

Take that number and multiply it by 1.2

This gives you the amount of calories you can consume in a day AND stay at your present weight. Consider this your base calorie count.

Take last number and multiply that by .15

This basically says you're going to be cutting back on 15% of your base calories. This is THE DIET part.

Take the 15% reduction number and divide 3,500 by it.

This will give you approximately how long it will take you to lose 1 lb. WITHOUT exercising. Of course, doing that will only speed up the process.

2. You're Speeding Animals always seem to eat for about 15 minutes, feel full, and then stop eating. Is that you? Or are you eating so fast that your stomach hardly has time to tell your brain to tell your mouth to quit chewing before your stomach explodes? Answer: Try this during your next meal. On every bite, chew, swallow, put down your fork, and take a sip of water. See how long it takes you to eat. Now, during subsequent meals, take just as long to eat, only without the drill.

3. You're Too Refined Most processed breads and cereals contain little fiber, the calorie-free component of plant foods that fills you up, not out. Plus, foods rich in fiber help control blood glucose and insulin levels. Answer: I never thought I'd say this, but it may be a good idea to cut back on potatoes in any form (especially french-fries). Experts say potatoes raise blood-glucose concentration quickly. Other guilty foods include; snack chips, white bread, low-fiber breakfast cereals, and breakfast bars. Try switching to whole-grain cereals and breads.

4. You're Sleepy Sleep deprivation decreases the odds of losing weight and keeping it off. Researchers found that people that slept only 4 or 7 hours a night for 6 nights in a row had higher glucose and insulin levels in their blood. This is bad for your metabolism. Surplus insulin boosts body-fat storage. Answer: Try and get 8 hours of sleep each and every night. And try to get it for the same 8 hours. That is, establish a regular bedtime and waking hour. Pick the time you have to wake up on most days, and make sure you're in bed at least 8 hours before.

5. You're Thirsty

When you're trying to lose weight, water is your workout partner. You need it to flush the waste products your body makes when it breaks down fat for energy, or when it processes protein. You need it to transport nutrients to your muscles. You need it to help digest food and keep your metabolism clicking along. And water keeps you from overheating during intense exercise on hot days.

6. You're a Weight Loss Pro

We've seen it many times, you can lose 10 or 20 pounds in no time at all. When push comes to shove you can always pull out your 'Peanut Butter and Banana' diet and lose some weight. Unfortunately, that's when you start thinking you're ok. Next thing you know, you're back to your old habits, and your original weight. Answer: Think of this as war. Remember the scene in Patton when George C. Scott refuses to pull his troops back, saying he doesn't like to pay twice for the same real estate? Okay, you're Patton, and every 10 pounds of fat you lose is real estate you own outright. So this time when you lose 10 pounds you've got two options; go for another 10 pounds, or dig in and defend the 10 you've already lost. Stop paying for the same 10 pounds twice.

7. You're Not Worthy When you've run that last mile or counted that last calorie and you're still fat, maybe it's because, deep down inside, you want to be. No, I'm not talking about a desire to be fat on a conscious level, but rather a need to be fat on a subconscious level. Answer: Eliminate the physical reasons for your weight gain, get checked by your doctor for possible medical reasons, and then visit an EFT Practitioner or certified hypnotherapist that specializes in weight loss. Hypnosis recordings also are very effective in helping you to lose weight. Eliminating emotional triggers to food and the subconscious drive to gain weight, or remain fat, can often be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle. Sherlock Holmes once said Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.

What have you got to lose, besides the weight?

For additional articles and products on improving your health, wealth and relationships please go to Unlimited Destiny at diet

Classical Gastric Bypass Surgery The Roux-en-Y

Classical Gastric Bypass Surgery The Roux-en-Y

Although The Roux-en-Y form of gastric bypass surgery has been around since the 1960s it was not in fact the first form of weight loss surgery.

During the 1950s an operation, designed solely for the purpose of weight loss, was developed at the University of Minnesota. This operation, known as the Jejunoileal bypass, was designed to bypass much of the small intestine and thus prevent the absorption of calories. Unfortunately, although good weight loss was observed, the majority of patients suffered sever complications and the majority of these early operations had to be reversed.

In the 1960s Dr Mason and Dr Ito together developed what has become know as the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass operation after observing weight loss in patients who were suffering from ulcers and for whom treatment involved the partial removal of the stomach.

Today Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery is the most widely performed weight loss operation in the United States and, although other forms of surgery are rapidly gaining in popularity, the fact that so many surgeons and familiar with, and skilled in, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery means that it remains the top choice for many patients. In 2005 approximately 140,000 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgeries were performed in the United States.

The Roux-en-Y is a form of combination surgery which is designed to both physically reduce the amount of food that can be eaten and then to reduce the number of calories which the body can absorb from food as it passes through the body.

In essence gastric bypass surgery starts with the creation of a small pouch at the top of the stomach which restricts the amount of food that can be eaten. Then the gastrointestinal tract is reconstructed to enable food to pass out of both the newly created pouch and the remaining bulk of the stomach. The manner in which reconstruction is affected varies and gives rise to two main forms of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.

The most commonly used technique is known as a Proximal Roux-en-Y. In this form of the operation the small bowel is divided about 18 inches below the main stomach outlet and about 30 to 60 inches of small intestine is used to connect the new stomach pouch to the small intestine. In this form of gastric bypass surgery much of the small intestine remains intact and, while this still allows for reasonable absorption of calories, it lessens the risk of nutritional problems resulting from a low uptake of various essential vitamins and minerals.

A less common, but still widely used, form of gastric bypass surgery is the Distal Roux-en-Y. This is essentially the same as the proximal form of the operation except that connection from the small pouch is moved further down the gastrointestinal tract effectively bypassing a greater length of the small intestine. The benefit here is that the body is not able to absorb as many calories from food as it passes through the intestine which leads to greater, or faster, weight loss. The trade-off however is that there is also a reduction in the adsorption of essential vitamins and minerals which, although manageable post-operatively, can lead to additional complications.

Today both forms of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery can be performed using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical techniques and, while it still remains a form of major surgery with a number of associated risks and complications, success rates in terms of both weight loss and survival are excellent.

For more information on gastric bypass surgery please visit

Our Slowing Metabolism as We Age

Our Slowing Metabolism as We Age

Its a basic fact of life. As we get older our metabolism begins to slow down and the older we get the slower it gets. Thats just how nature works. A slowing metabolism isnt always noticeable either, its something that sneaks up on us and before we know it theres 10 or 15 extra pounds hanging off our bodies. Or maybe youve gained only 5 or 10 pounds but your clothes just seem to fit a lot tighter. As we grow older for many people the body begins to do the unthinkable, it starts getting rid of muscle and replacing it with a nice layer of fat.

There a couple of reasons that this begins to happen as we get older. For most people getting older means being less active. We also dont really change the way we eat and our caloric intake begins to overtake our caloric output. This change can be slow as the fatty layer slowly begins its insidious advance. Human growth hormone, the hormone responsible for our growth from infant to adult hood, begins to diminish. The body, no longer needing to grow, produces less and less of this as it ages. Human growth hormone is also responsible for building and maintaining lean muscle mass and as it diminishes the body has a harder time maintaining its muscle.

There is one way to slow the loss of muscle and keep that youthful vigor and body. Research has shown that exercise will keep your metabolism running efficiently and that means burning calories and excess fat. In one study a group of older men was divided into two groups. One group was put on an exercise program the other group was allowed to go about their daily lives. At the end of the study they compared both groups to two groups of younger men with similar lifestyles. The older group of couch potatoes averaged 22.2 pounds more fat than their younger counterparts. The group of older exercisers on the other hand only had about 9.5 extra pounds of fat then their more active younger counterparts.

In another study it was found that men who lifted weights can increase not only their muscle strength by over 200 percent but that their growth hormone decline significantly slowed allowing them to not only increase their lean muscle mass but also maintain it.

Maintaining or even increasing your metabolism while we age is entirely possible, but it does take a little motivation on your part. By following three simple steps, living healthy, exercising and eating right the slow wasting of muscle mass can be avoided even into our later years.

To learn more about a 3 step metabolism boosting program and for more information about metabolism please click here.

Lose Weight And Build Muscle

Lose Weight And Build Muscle

It's time to optimize your workout to reach your goals faster. Make sure you allow optimal rest between workout sessions. If the basic low-risk workouts can cause injury when executed without perfect form do you really want to increase the odds of getting an injury by doing high-risk exercises with bad form. If you are a beginner or someone who is looking to get the most out of their workouts and build muscle mass and strength quickly; you need to get this system. You also want to limit the intake of those carbs to times like first thing in the morning and directly before and after workouts. So if I workout hard on a given day, I may have raised my BMR to 4,000 calories for that day, so I could eat 3,900 calories and still lose weight.


Muscles are made of protein and you should have a list of all the protein foods which you can have easy access to. Muscles don't get BIG unless you want them to and work with that as your goal, and women have an even harder time of it than men (we just don't have the testosterone levels you guys have.

I have been training celebs, models, actors and pageant contestants for many years using the celebrated "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast system". Eating muscle building foods does help you get the edge and build muscles much faster than just eating normal foods. We're going to discuss a few general, realistic, and workable ways to build your muscles.

Hey! Do you Want to Grow BIGGER muscles and Lose Fat ?. Hop In to my Squidoo lens and find out how you can build your muscle more affective

Does Increased Calcium Help You Lose Weight?

Does Increased Calcium Help You Lose Weight?

Calcium is a major mineral known mainly for its role in bone metabolism. In addition, calcium is the best-selling mineral supplement on the market. Among reasons for purchase include:

Positive effects on bone mineral density and mitigation of osteoporosis
To improve body composition

Lipolysis is the breaking down of body fat and lipogeneis is the bodys mechanism of storing fat. The theory is low calcium intakes inhibit lipolysis and increases lipogenesis. High calcium intake has been reported to increase lipolysis and decrease lipogenesis. If this theory is correct, calcium supplementation is a good step toward improving body composition.

So far in research it seems that higher calcium intakes that are usually combined with a lower energy diet, can lead to weight loss.

Some researchers report that low-fat dairy has the best impact on weight loss; however, a 2003 study suggests that the calciums source is not as important as the quantity of total calcium intake.

A 2006 meta-analysis by R. Trowman, Ph.D, reported no effects of calcium on weight loss. At the end of the study, Dr. Trowman reported no relationship between increased intake of calcium, either by supplements or dairy products, and weight loss. They also reviewed the literature on calcium and weight loss. G. Barba, Ph.D, and P. Russo, Ph.D., stated that available data did not definitively support a relationship between high calcium and/or dairy intake and decreased body weight. They indicated the need for more research of the impact dairy foods have on health outside of obesity.

Based upon the existent research it looks as if some studies do show positive effects of increased calcium intake on weight loss in obese or overweight individuals, however, a number of randomized controlled studies have not. No magical formula has been discovered, however, there may be individuals who respond better to calciums effects on fat metabolism during decreased energy intake compared with other. There is need for a well-controlled study assessing responders versus non-responders as a first step in evaluating if calcium impacts body weight in some individuals more than others.

Of equal importance is to note that a persons source of calcium influences his or her body composition and weight. For example, you cannot consume gallons of ice cream or nonfat milk and expect to lose body weight. Many of the studies that showed calciums effects on weight loss also included the element of reduced energy intake.

In conclusion, the recommendation to increase calcium intake should not be made until a persons dietary assessment has been made. In addition, overweight or obese individuals who are interested in working toward better health should consider increased calcium intake along with an overall healthier lifestyle.

There is a need for more research on the subject of increased calcium intake solely for the purpose of losing excess body weight and/or to improve body composition.

Source: ACSMs Health and Fitness Journal, May/June 2007

Disclaimer: *This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of a health problem. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult with your health care provider about any kind of a health problem and especially before beginning any kind of an exercise routine.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. 5-2007

Author: Connie Limon, Trilogy Field Representative. Visit and sign up for a weekly nutrition and health tip. The article collection is available as FREE reprints for your newsletters, websites or blog. Visit to purchase an array of superior quality, safe and effective products inspired by nature, informed by science and created to improve the health of people, pets and the planet.

Why Doctors Don't Use Natural Cures

Why Doctors Don't Use Natural Cures

The American government controls the medical industry and decides what is taught in medical schools and practiced in regulated medical fields. As a result, all licensed medical professionals have the same general background of information on which to draw in their practice.

This also means that important information not available within the confines of the medical education are missing throughout the field. As Kevin Trudeau explains in his book Natural Cures, medical professionals and doctors in America do not recommend or prescribe natural cures for the simple reason that pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have prevented natural remedies from entering the system.

The FDA passed a regulation stating that only drugs and pharmaceuticals can cure, prevent, or treat a disease. As a system designed to protect the public from harm, the FDA can only regulate products with homogeneous consistency. Since natural cures cannot be created and duplicated in lab environments, this regulation only applies to pharmaceutical drugs that can be patented. As a result, medical schools and educational institutions can only teach pharmaceutical drugs as a cure and treatment to disease, leaving no room to educate medical students and professionals on the benefits of naturally occurring remedies and cures.

This means that most doctors have learned in an environment inundated with pharmaceuticals and have little to no knowledge of alternative medicines, natural cures, or natural remedies. Although some doctors decide of their own accord to pursue more education on alternative medicine, most assume that their background on pharmaceuticals is sufficient enough to treat and cure the general public. Natural Cures not only discusses the limited knowledge of the American medical industry on the subjects of natural cures, but also gives consumers and doctors direct access to alternative natural treatments for ailments.

Besides having limited access to information regarding natural cures, doctors have unlimited access to the perks and privileges associated with the pharmaceutical industry. Not only are pharmaceuticals readily available, they are easy to handle, and easy to prescribe. Each drug has a defined set of rules on how a doctor should administer dosage to the patient, making pharmaceuticals easy to regulate and navigate by both the doctor and the patient.

Some natural remedies and cures require more knowledge and require the patient to assume responsibility and control over the administration of the cure. Not to mention, natural remedies dont come with the meal, vacation, and monetary perks doctors have come to associate with pharmaceutical companies and representatives. Although most doctors have little or nothing to do with the such monetary gains now, they still have little knowledge about medicines outside of the pharmaceutical industry.

Kevin Trudeaus Natural Cures provides doctors and consumers with the information they need to cure diseases and problems without the side effects and manipulation of drugs and drug companies. Doctors now have the opportunity to learn about the natural remedies and cures used by other professionals around the world and gain the knowledge the FDA denied them throughout their education.

Albert Milligan, is a writer and editor of internet articles. If you would like to find out more about the FDA, drug companies and natural cures visit we are giving away two free books on this topic.

External Medical Peer Review or Internal Medical Peer Review - Which Is Better?

External Medical Peer Review or Internal Medical Peer Review - Which Is Better?

Are you the owner of your own medical practice? If you are, you may be interested in having your medical practice undergo a medical review, as many medical practice owners do at one point or another. Having your medical office reviewed allows you to examine the overall functioning of your business, to see if it is living up to your hopes or your expectations.

When it comes to having your medical practice reviewed, you will find that you have a number of different options. Two of those options include an external medical peer review or an internal medical peer review. An external medical peer review is defined as a medical review that is done by an outside company, one that isnt connected to your medical practice or your staff in anyway. An internal medical peer review is where you and your staff all rate and review each other and the medical practice in general.

Now that you know exactly what an internal medical peer review is, as well as an external medical peer review, you may be wondering which type of review would be best for you and your medical practice. In all honesty, it depends. It depends on what you are looking to accomplish, as well as your resources. For instance, if you are interested in getting an unbiased opinion, you may want to use the services of an outside medical reviewing company. However, you will need to find a company to do business with, as well as pay for their services. If you do not think that you can do this, you may want to stick to an internal medical peer review.

Although internal medical peer reviews are okay and actually used by many medical professionals, there is some controversy that surrounds them. As it was previously mentioned, an internal medical peer review is when you and your staff rate and review each other. Now, if you have a small medical practice, some of your staff may feel uncomfortable rating and reviewing each other, even if the reviews were supposed to be anonymous. Also, you run into the problem of friendships, where one coworker may be unable to give an unbiased review of one of their friends or even someone who they dont really like working with. These are important points that you should keep in mind, when examining internal medical peer reviews.

Since there are a number of pros and cons to both external medical peer reviews and internal medical peer reviews, you may want to think about speaking with your staff for suggestions. Asking your staff if they mind rating each other and if they could do so without any bias may be helpful to you and your decision. You may even find that some of your employees would actually prefer to be reviewed by an external medical peer review company.

Written by Damien Scher. Find the latest information on Medical Peer Review

How To Determine Your Ideal Body Weight

How To Determine Your Ideal Body Weight

Use the body mass index (BMI) to calculate your ideal healthy body weight. The BMI calculator is a method used to determine whether you are currently underweight, overweight or obese. This test works for all age groups, genders and body types.

Here's how it works. Take your weight in pounds and divide by your height in inches squared.

Weight in pounds / (Height in inches) x (Height in inches)

Multiply this figure by 703 to calculate BMI

Here's the scale to measure your results:

-BMI below 20 is considered underweight
-BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight
-BMI over 30 is considered obese


Let's take a 220 pound male who's 6 feet 2 inches tall and calculate his BMI.

6 feet two inches = 72 inches

72 x 72 =5184

220/5184 = 0.0424

0.0424 x 703 = 29

By looking at the BMI scale, we can see that the subject of our example is overweight.

The BMI calculator is just a way for you to confirm, through objective means, that you need to lose some pounds. How many pounds should you shed? That's entirely up to you. You know your tendencies and you know what makes you feel comfortable. Use the BMI index to get a general idea of where you need to go. Set up an ideal scenario where you lose a certain amount of pounds. Be reasonable with your weight loss plans. Set goals that you know you can achieve.

Analyze your eating habits. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Enable good behavior and try to limit unhealthy tendencies. If you eat lots of fruits and veggies or cook complete meals, these are things that you can build on. If you overeat, miss meals or snack too much, then these are habits that'll require adjustment. Discover the reasoning behind your personal eating habits. Do you overeat when you get emotional, bored, lonely or stressed? When you find out what's driving your behavior, you'll be better prepared to adjust your habits.

Think about past diets or weight loss plans that you have experienced. What was successful about your previous efforts? What aspects of your previous weight loss attempts were unsuccessful? If you need a diet solution that'll allow you to be flexible, consider the UnDiet weight control system. UnDiet is a system of supplements designed to improve your metabolic rate and control bouts of hunger. UnDiet is an effective, convenient and unrestrictive way to jumpstart a long-term weight loss strategy.

Once you've identified your strengths, weaknesses and ideal body weight, you can then begin to craft a strategy for long-term weight loss. This strategy will be based on healthy eating and exercise. Just make sure that you can find the right balance between calorie intake and calorie burning.

Chris Stout, after experiencing his own dietary frustrations, has become an expert on weight loss as well as other health related topics. Chris offers helpful advice and useful tips regarding dietary problems and weight loss in his articles for Medgen. You can find more great information and products for weight loss.

Why So Many Dieters Love The Lemon Detox Diet

Why So Many Dieters Love The Lemon Detox Diet

If you're looking for an easy fast detox, the lemon detox diet is definitely one of the best. It's a popular diet which revolves around a wholly natural drink which comes from the syrup of organic trees and is blended with the juice from fresh lemons, water and some pepper. The syrup is made up of a mixture of palm and maple syrups, and is though to offer a beneficial balance of minerals and vitamins to the concoction.

This diet is a great way to get rid of those nasty toxins from your body, and will even help you lose weight at the same time. The diet consists of little else other than this mixture to help detoxify and leave the body healed and healthy.

The syrup element of the drink is high in natural sugars to provide the body with the energy it needs to curb hunger during the programme. The calorie content of one glass is around 70 calories, and it is rich in zinc and calcium in almost exact proportions for the needs of the human body.

The lemon detox diet itself works on the basis of seven days fasting in which only the lemon drink and water are consumed along with any medication which may also be prescribed for ingestion during the duration. Patients can expect to remain active, drawing energy from the calories contained within the drink, and should expect symptoms such as dizziness or light-headedness in the first few days as toxins begin their course through the bloodstream. It is also advisable to maintain a course of light exercise during the diet as well as some general breathing activities to increase the blood flow and speed up the release of toxins from the body. After the fast it is crucial not to recommence normal eating habits as this can cause serious damage to the body. It is best to start with fruit juices and lighter foods to allow for a gradual build up back onto a healthy diet. The process of fasting for dieting and detox is dangerous, even with the lemon detox diet, so it's important to consult your physician before deciding to embark on such an endeavour.

The lemon detox diet provides the body with balanced and nutritional support, although as of yet there is no evidence to suggest adverse longer term effects on the body, although research is beginning into the pros and cons of this type of regime. Although the diet can be carried out by anyone for short periods of time, it is advisable to speak to your medical practitioner before undergoing any fasting plan for a general analysis of your health. This will also provide an opportunity to consult your doctor about alternative plans to the lemon detox diet which may be more beneficial given your physical condition. Fasting can be dangerous for the inexperienced or naive, so it's important to do your research and only fast in accordance with your doctor's guidelines for your own safety and wellbeing.

Clive Jenkins recommends Slimmers Paradise which provides comprehensive information on the best diet programs. To find articles, tips and free information and advice check out the site here:

Stubborn Obesity is Immune! Naturopathic Research Says Lose the Weight and the Guilt: Gain Immunity

Stubborn Obesity is Immune! Naturopathic Research Says Lose the Weight and the Guilt: Gain Immunity

Weight balance now becomes the side-effect of growing the cellular immune system of your body NOT an effect of Mind-set or Willpower to force weight-loss/balance... For indeed you may achieve tens of kilos in weight loss by becoming the equivalent of an Olympic athlete BUT when you've reached your goal weight but realise you want your life back seeing there is more to it than spending 2-4 hrs daily in the gymnasium- or at the track WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED? Nothing-but-YOUR-MIND! Sooner or later your-underlying-physiology-will-revert-to-the-old-you unless you can reclaim your ideal cellular health especially if you dont know how to build your gut immunity & use immune positive foods to maintain it forever thereafter.

"Have you ever wondered why Doctors tell us Obesity itself is powerfully related to the 'big 4' illnesses of Diabetes, Arthritis, Breast/Bowel cancer & Heart disease?" Well, puzzle-no-more. We'll tell you!...Because much of stubborn weight issues are ALSO IMMUNE-RELATED-DISORDERS just as are these 'Big-4' illnesses in the first place... Yes, that's right! Astounded? Confounded? Current Medical research states: Diabetes IS officially classified as an Auto-immune disease. Arthritis IS officially classified as an Auto-immune disease. Breast & Bowel cancer are both MAJOR immune related illnesses. Heart-Disease is officially NOT classified as an immune disease YET. However since 1999 both Scandinavian & more recently even USA studies are beginning to powerfully link the immune-system even here too. So much so that we believe by the year 2010 Medical science will begin to classify it in the same category as these first three illnesses above. But it seems the doctors who make those Obese-Diabetes-Arthritis-Cancer-Heart statements themselves JUST-CANNOT-SEEM-TO-JOIN-THE-DOTS. Puzzling, isnt it? ....

In light of the above, My job as a Naturopath now is quite simple. Work out just what is it that is interfering with our immune systems! Hmmm, not so easy or even straight-forward.

However the past 7 years have elucidated the 8 following areas mostly, as you will see are, directly attributable to the complex world we all live in being: Genetic patterns, What we do to ourselves with diet and drugs of addiction, What Doctors do to us with drug side effects, What Dentists do to us; Root canals, Amalgem metals, etc, Ill-effects of Radiation; Xray, Microwave foods, Nuclear, etc, NOT being breast-fed properly as an infant, Chronic spinal issues (Just ask your chiropractor), Foreign bodies such as Gall/Kidney stones, Surgical/cosmetic implants, etc.

BY FAR, the most common areas as they relate to obesity is the first 5, esp. the first 3 listed above.

AS to genetics? Our 'Colostrum-milk extract(ALF)capsules' will clear this at around 10% per week. As to Diet? We can tell you the immune positive foods and immune negative foods to employ and use ALF to revive damaged gut cells. As to prescription drugs? We can tell you which to try and reduce over time. Again, the ALF revives gut drug damaged cells. As to Dentists? Please seek out a biological dentist in your area to measure your metals in your mouth. As to Radiation? Reduce if you can- Microwaved foods, Xray exposure, excess Mobile phone radiation, Move out of radius of Nuclear power stations if possible, Deep-screen computers, Even your solarium could be dangerous too.

Glen F Rees BSc, ND. Twenty three years of hands on Full-time naturopathy in country Victoria, Australia.

Post script. We write the above NOT to shock or even threaten you. But, simply to inform. If you want more info check our website at

Speeding Up Metabolism, Speeding Up Weight Loss

Speeding Up Metabolism, Speeding Up Weight Loss

Metabolism is arguably one of the most misunderstood concepts amongst the general public. How often do you hear people saying things like 'she must have a high metabolism that's why she can eat anything and still be so skinny.' Although this is not entirely wrong, it is important to understand what metabolism is and how it supports your body and how it works for you. Metabolism is nothing but the natural process through which your body transforms food into energy. Food needs to be broken down for your body to be able to use it as energy. Speeding up your metabolism will obviously speed up the process at which your body converts food and stored fat into energy and consequently you loose weight.

The common misconception that so many people hold is that they are 'born' with either a high or a low metabolism. Your genetic make up accounts for only 5% of your metabolic rate. The rest of your metabolism is determined by none other than you. There are only two factors that can account for your metabolism. Speeding up metabolism needs to focus only on these two areas. Although certain hereditary factors can play a role we will discard them for the sake of our discussion (it affects only a very small percentage of people anyway.)

1. What You Eat:
Loosing weight is not rocket science. We all to often blame things that are outside of us for our weight problems, but the fact remains that it is all just YOU. To loose weight there are only two things that can possibly play a role. What you eat and how you exercise your body. Speeding up metabolism starts with your eating patterns.

Many people deprive themselves of food in a vain attempt to loose weight. This actually slows down your metabolism and consequently it slows down the tempo at which your body burns calories. The key is to eat more, but less. Metabolism is a bit like getting a big heavy stream train to move getting it moving is the hard part and once it's got momentum it is much easier to keep it moving. By having three to five smaller meals throughout the day you will keep your metabolism high.

Binge eating and depriving yourself of food are the two big no-no's if you are trying to speed up metabolism for weight loss. It is important then to eat high energy foods to keep up your metabolism. Fresh fruit and vegetables are packed with energy and will go a long way in speeding up your metabolism. Eating more does not mean eating and snacking on junk food. You need to eat more quality food.

2. Exercise
This is where most people 'bomb-out', but before you do, consider this. Your body was designed to move and to be active. Like anything in nature, if it's not used, it starts to deteriorate and being overweight is a nothing but a sign of deterioration. The reason why you always feel good after exercise is because the body releases hormones that only get released during exercise.

Your metabolism and the rate at which your body converts calories into energy is directly related to your bodys demand for energy. If your body does not require energy, the food will simply get stored as fat. When you increase the demand for energy you body will respond accordingly and increase your metabolism to meet this demand. Exercise is probably the easiest way to increase the demand and speed up your metabolism.

Speeding up metabolism by applying these two principles are often easier said than done. The cold hard truth however, is that this is all there is to it. To speed up your metabolism, either increase the demand through exercise or decrease the supply through what you eat.

Article by Deon Du Plessis
If you found this information useful and would like to learn more about how you can increase your metabolism, visit www.Sincere-Advice.Com/Metabolism.html for more information.

A Simple Fat Burning And Diet Plan

A Simple Fat Burning And Diet Plan

Losing weight is tough: there is the exercise, and of course the cutting-back on your caloric intake. Fortunately, you do not need to sacrifice many of your favorite snacks in order to lose weight. In fact, most weight loss experts agree that you should incorporate your favorite foods (including your favorite snack foods) into your diet because when you deprive yourself of your favorites, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Increasing the speed of your metabolism is probably one of the easiest and safest ways to lose fat naturally. For many people this may sound easy but the only way to really do this successfully is to make some lifestyle changes that involve diet and exercise.

Metabolism is the process by which the body burns calories to fuel its daily functions and is the process by which nutrients in the food we eat are broken down in our cells to produce energy for these functions. Metabolism is controlled by the thyroid gland in the neck, which in turn is governed by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is generally measured according to your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is your resting metabolism.

If you know the tricks of the trade, you know that there are many things you can do to rev up your metabolism. It may sound boring, but there is a good reason that balanced diets are what the nutrition experts always recommend. Natural foods with high nutritional value take more processing power (calories) to extract all those vital nutrients the body needs to run at peak efficiency thereby increasing your metabolic rate. As previously mentioned, incorporate your favorite snacks into your diet. Here is are a couple of simple techniques for eating what you want, while increasing your metabolism.

1. Follow the 90/10 rule. This rule proposes that you eat right 90 % of the time, and eat what you want the other 10 % of the time. Ideally, these two categories will overlap: hopefully you can find healthful foods that you love eating. Almost everyone has a guilty pleasure or two. If you are simply mad about nachos, for instance, do not put this snack food on your black list. Avoid the food most of the time, but splurge when you absolutely can not resist. Remember, a diet need not be an unpleasant task. Simply think of the process of eating healthfully as searching for good foods that you enjoy eating, and making them a staple of your diet.

2) Eat 2 to every 3 hours. Having 6 small meals a day keeps your fat burning engine a full power.

Now that you have got a few ideas about how to keep eating your favorite snack foods while not feeling like you have cheated, here are some excellent snack choices for the dieter.

1. Go for high fiber snacks. Foods that are high in fiber fill you up faster and help you burn calories longer.
2. Fill up with calcium-rich snacks.
3. Nuts. Peanuts, walnuts, and almonds are delicious and filling. As a side note, technically high in fat, nuts are very heart healthy and low in bad saturated fats.
4. Dried fruits and mixed veggies.
5. Find low-fat alternatives.

Carrying out the decision to lose weight is a tough thing to do, especially if you do not now how to do it. By incorporating a healthy and sensible diet along with an exercise program you can begin to speed your metabolism and start losing weight permanently.

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